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Experiences of customers who have bought our products:

Great Gadget
This was bought as a birthday present for a male friend ,I thought he could use it when away in his camper van. He thought it was fab & will definitely make use of it on his next trip. Of course we had a good laugh about it!

Perfect Kitchen Cleaning Supplies
I like the smell and it is great to clean all the surfaces in my bathroom. I keep one in each bathroom and gave one to my sister who was complaining about her cleaner.

Magic Pen
My daughter has been really into crafts lately. These doodle pens are totally different from other pens. It was a huge hit in our house!

Baby Bowl Preferred!
We use these daily. Get them !! They work and avoid spills, my daughter is in the I can do it myself phase and with these bowls she can do it herself without leaving a trail of food for me to clean up. Buy them.

Make the closet tidy
I love using it to organize my leggings, sweatpants and comfy shorts. I now have a semblance of order in my closet!